

38. The Wolf In Sheep's Clothing

Once upon a time a Wolf resolved
to disguise his nature by his habit, that so he might get food without stint. Encased in the skin of a sheep, he pastured with the flock, beguiling the 牧羊人 vt.带领">shepherd by his artifice. In the evening he was shut up by the sh
epherd in the fold; the gate was closed, and the entrance made thoroughly secure. The 牧羊人 vt.带领">shepherd coming into the fold during the night to provide food for the morrow, caught up the Wolf, instead of a sheep, and killed him with his knife i
n the fold.

Harm seek, harm find.
38. 披羊皮的狼
有一次,一只狼决定用它的老方法来掩饰自己本来的面目,这样便可以无限制地找到食物吃。 它披上了羊皮,混入羊群中去吃草,靠了这诡计瞒过了牧羊人。 晚上它被牧羊人赶入羊栏里,关上栅栏门,使其无法逃出来。 到了夜晚,牧羊人到羊栏里来,要预备隔日的食物,错捉了狼,代替了一只羊,在羊栏里用刀把狼杀死。
