

115. The Old Lion

A Lion, worn out with years, and powerless from
disease, lay on the ground at the point of death. A Boar rushed upon him, and avenged with a stroke of his tusks a long-remembered injury. Shortly afterwards the Bull with his horns gored him as if he were an enemy. When the Ass saw that the huge beast could be assailed with impunity, he let drive at his forehead with his heels. The expiring Lion said, "I have reluctantly brooked the insults of the brave, but to be compelled to endure
contumely from thee, a disgrace to Nature, is indeed to die a double death."
115. 老狮子
一只年老体衰的狮子,病得软弱无力,躺在地上等死。 一只野猪冲到它的身上,用牙齿来咬它,以报复某次它不能忘怀的伤害。 不久,一只野牛用角来抵它,当它是个可恨的仇敌。 当驴子看到这庞大的野兽,可以让它为所欲为时,它便用蹄去踢狮子的额头。 这只即将死去的狮子说:「我已勉强忍受勇者的侮辱了,但还得含羞忍辱地容忍你这天生的小丑,真是死不瞑目啊!」
