

105. The Rivers And The Sea

The Rivers joined together to complain
to the Sea, saying, "Why is it that when we flow into your tides so potable and sweet, you work in us such a change, and make us salt and unfit to drink?" The Sea, perceiving that they intended to throw the blame on him, said, "Pray ce
ase to flow into me, and then you will not be made briny."

Some find fault with those things by which they are chiefly benefited.
105. 河流与海
河流聚在一起时,总是埋怨海说:「我们流到你的潮水中时,本是甘美可饮的,你却使我们增添了杂质,将我们弄得很咸而不能喝,这是什么缘故呢?」 海知道他们有意来责难他,便说:「请你们不要再流到我这里面来吧,那么你们就不会变成有咸味了。」 有些人面对对他们有益的东西,总是喜欢吹毛求疵。
