

135. The Lamp

A Lamp soaked with too much oil, and flaring very mu
ch, boasted that it gave more light than the sun. A sudden puff of wind arising, it was immediately extinguished. Its owner lit it again, and said: "Boast no more, but henceforth be content to give thy light in silence
. Know that not even the stars need to be relit."
135. 灯
一盏灯吸了太多的油,灯光非常明亮,所以吹嘘它的光比太阳还亮得多。 突然一阵风吹来,那灯立刻熄灭。 它的主人再点着它说:「别再夸口了,从此以后你要知足些,静静地发着你的光吧。 要知道,就是一颗小星星,也用不着重新点燃的。」
