

86. The Mouse, The Frog, And The Hawk

A Mouse who always lived on
the land, by an unlucky chance formed an intimateacquaintance with a Frog, who lived for the most part in the water. The Frog, one day intent on mischief, bound the foot of the Mouse tightly to his own. Thus joined to
gether, the Frog first of all led his friend the Mouse to the meadow where they were accustomed to find their food. After this, he gradually led him towards the pool in which he lived, until he reached the very brink, when suddenly jump
ing in he dragged the Mouse with him. The Frog enjoyed the water amazingly, and swam croaking about, as if he had done a meritorious action. The unhappy Mouse was soon suffocated with the water, and his dead body float
ed about on the surface, tied to the foot of the Frog. A Hawk observed it, and, pouncing upon it with his talons, carried it up aloft. The Frog being still fastened to the leg of the Mouse, was also carried off a priso
ner, and was eaten by the Hawk.

Harm hatch, harm catch.
86. 老鼠、蛙和老鹰
一只居住陆地上的老鼠,非常不幸,和一只大部分时间居住在水里的蛙,结成了密友。 有一天,那蛙存心不良,将老鼠的脚紧紧地绑在它自己的脚上。 两种动物便联在一起了,蛙最先引它那老鼠朋友,到它们时常觅食的草地上去。 此后,蛙便渐渐地引老鼠到自己所住的池中去,直到后来,到了池边,蛙忽然跳了进去,将老鼠也一同拖下水。 那蛙得水,非常快乐,游来游去,一面咯咯地叫着,仿佛它已做了一件极应称赞的事。 那不幸的老鼠,很快就溺死在水里,它的尸体仍旧绑在蛙的脚上,飘浮在水面,。 一只老鹰看见了,突然飞下去,用爪把它攫起,带到半空中去。 那蛙因为仍旧紧紧绑在老鼠的腿上,也给老鹰带去当俘虏,饱了鹰腹。
