

142. The Traveller And Fortune

A Traveller, wearied with a long jo
urney, lay down overcome with fatigue on the very brink of a deep well. Being within an inch of falling into the water, Dame Fortune, it is said, appeared to him, and waking him from his slumber, thus addressed him: "Good Sir, pray wake
up; for had you fallen into the well, the blame will be thrown on me, and I shall get an ill name among mortals; for I find that men are sure to impute their calamities to me, however much by their own folly they have really brought them on themselves.

Every one is more or less master of his own fate.
142. 旅人和命运之神
一位旅人厌倦漫长的旅途,且疲乏得很,于是在一口深井的旁边躺了下去。 他只差一吋,便要跌到井里去了,那时命运之神便出现在他的面前,将他从小憩中唤醒,并对他说:「好先生,请你醒来。如果你跌到井里去,又要怪我不好,而我在凡间又要得到一个恶名;因为我知道人们总将他们的灾祸归咎于我,其实有许多祸事,都是因他们自己的笨拙所招惹的。」?
