

54. The Salt Merchant And His Ass

A Pedlar, dealing in salt, drove
his Ass to the sea-shore to buy salt. His road home lay across a stream, in passing which his Ass, making a false step, fell by accident into the water, and rose up again with his load considerably lighter, as the water melted the salt
. The Pedlar retraced his steps, and refilled his panniers with a larger quantity of salt than before. When he came again to the stream, the Ass fell down on purpose in the same spot, and, regaining his feet with the w
eight of his load much diminished, brayed triumphantly as if he had obtained what he desired. The Pedlar saw through his trick, and drove him for the third time to the coast, where he bought a cargo of sponges instead of salt. The Ass, again playing the knave, when he reached the stream, fell down on purpose, when the sponges becoming swollen with the water, his load was very greatly increased; and thus his trick recoiled on himself in fitting to his back a doubled burd
54. 盐贩和他的驴子
一个盐贩,赶他的驴子到海边去买盐。 在他回家的路上经过一条小河,越过这条小河的时候,他的驴子踩空了一步,一不小心便跌到水里去,等它爬起来时,他所载的担子,因为水把盐溶解了,减轻了许多重量。 盐贩折回原路,在它的盐篮里,重新装上比上次更多的盐。 当他再走到原处,驴子却故意又跌下去,再爬起来时,它的担子又减轻了,不觉自鸣得意,庆幸它又达到了愿望。 盐贩明了它的诡计,第三次又赶它到海滨去,但并不去买盐,而是买了一大包海绵。 驴子到小河时,重施故计,又故意跌下去,此时海绵吸饱了水份,他的担子,顿时加重了。于是它的诡计,反而使自己得到双倍的重担。
