

50. The Ass And The Lapdog

A Man had an Ass, and a Maltese Lapdog,
a very great beauty. The Ass was left in a stable, and had plenty of oats and hay to eat, just as any other Ass would. The Lapdog knew many tricks, and was a great favourite with his master, who often fondled him; and
seldom went out to dine or to sup without bringing him home some tid-bit to eat, when he frisked and jumped about him in a manner pleasant to see. The Ass, on the contrary, had much work to do, in grinding the corn mill, and in carryin
g wood from the forest or burdens from the farm. He often lamented his own hard fate, and contrasted it with the luxury and idleness of the Lapdog, till at last one day he broke his cords and halter, and galloped into his master's house
, kicking up his heels without measure, and frisking and fawning as well as he could. He next tried to jump about his master as he had seen the Lapdog do, but he broke the table, and smashed all the dishes upon it to atoms.

He then attempted to lick his master, and jumped upon his back. The servants hearing the strange hubbub, and perceiving the danger of their master, quickly relieved him, and drove out the Ass to his stable, with k
icks, and clubs, and cuffs. The Ass, as he returned to his stall beaten nearly to death, thus lamented: "I have brought it all on myself! Why could I not have been contented to labour with my companions, and not wish t
o be idle all the day like that useless little Lapdog!"
50. 驴子和哈巴狗
一个人有一只驴子和一只可爱的哈巴狗。 驴子关在栏舍里,和别的驴子一样,有许多燕麦和干草可以吃。 哈巴狗却会耍许多把戏,很得主人的欢心,主人常常抚弄它,他出去吃午饭或晚饭时,每一次总会带点好吃的东西回来给它,那时它就在主人身边雀跃不已,博得主人的欢心。 驴子正好相反,要做许多的工作,到磨坊里去推磨,到树林里去载负木柴回来,或者到农庄载东西。 它常常自怨命苦,自己和哈巴狗的安闲和慵懒相较起来,正好成对比。直到有一天,它终于扭断了缰绳,跳到主人的屋里,毫无分寸地跳起来,尽力跳跃。 它又在主人身边试跳起来,一如它所看见哈巴狗跳过的那般,但是它踢坏桌子,将桌子上的碗碟打得粉碎。
后来它又去舔它的主人,爬到主人的背上去。 仆人们听到奇怪的骚扰声,又看见他们的主人陷入危险之境,连忙把他救起,对驴子拳打脚踢,又用棍棒敲它,将驴子赶到栏舍里去,驴子几乎被他们打得半死不活了。 驴子回到它的栏舍里的时候,便这样哭泣说:「这些都是我自作孽啊! 我为什么不像我的同伴们那样安份地工作,而去学没用的小哈巴狗,整天地慵懒着呢?」
