

22. The Lioness

A controversy prevailed among the beasts o
f the field, as to which of the animals deserved the most credit for producing the greatest number of whelps at a birth. They rushed clamorously into the presence of the Lioness, and demanded of her the settlement of the dispute, "And y
ou," they said, "how many sons have you at a birth?" The Lioness laughed at them, and said: "Why! I have only one; but that one is altogether a thorough-bred Lion."

The value is
in the worth, not in the number.
22. 母狮
田野间的野兽在争论着,比较那一种动物一胎能生最多小兽,就应该接受最大的荣耀。 它们喧闹地奔跑到母狮前面,请它来排解纷争。它们又问:「那么你一胎生几个呢?」 母狮对它们笑着说:「哼! 我一胎只生一只。但是这一只却是一只最优秀的狮子。」
