

233. The Fox And The Crane

A Fox invited a Crane to supper, and
provided nothing for his entertainment but some soup made of pulse, and poured out into a broad flat stone dish. The soup fell out of the long bill of the Crane at every mouthful, and his vexation at not being able to eat afforded the
Fox most intenseamusement. The Crane, in his turn, asked the Fox to sup with him, and set before her a flagon, with a long narrow mouth, so that he could easily insert his neck, and enjoy its contents at his leisure; while the Fox, un
able even to taste it, met with a fitting requital, after the fashion of her own hospitality.
233. 狐狸和鹤
一只狐狸请一只鹤吃饭,却没有准备什么东西来款待客人,只有豆做的羹,而且还是倒在一只扁平的石盘中。 鹤每吃一口汤,便从它的长嘴中流出来,鹤因为吃不到,而非常气恼,狐狸却十分开心。 后来鹤就请狐狸来和它吃晚饭,也在狐狸的面前摆着一只长颈小口的瓶子,于是它能很容易地插进瓶口,从容地吃到瓶里的东西;同样的狐狸也丝毫吃不到一口食物,这下可承受到先前它款待客人的方式的回礼了。
