

268. The Ass And His Driver

An Ass being driven along the high r
oad, suddenly started off, and bolted to the brink of a deep precipice. When he was in the act of throwing himself over, his owner, seizing him by the tail, endeavoured to pull him back. The Ass, persisting in his ef
fort, the man let him go and said, "Conquer, but conquer to your cost."
268. 驴子和驴夫
一只驴子在一条大路上被赶着走时,忽然间逃开了,跑到一块耸立的危崖边上。 当它正要投身下去时,它的主人拉住它的尾巴,用力拖它回来。 驴子全力坚持着,那人只得让它去了。说道:「胜利,但只是以你自身为代价的胜利。」
