

180. The Serpent And The Eagle

A Serpent and an Eagle were stru
ggling with each other in the throes of a deadlyconflict. The Serpent had the advantage, and was about to strangle the bird. A countryman saw them, and running up, loosed the coil of the Serpent, and let the Eagle g
o free. The Serpent, irritated at the escape of his prey, let fly his poison, and injected it into the drinking bowl of the countryman. The rustic, ignorant of his danger, was about to drink, when the Eagle struck hi
s hand with his wing, and, seizing the drinking bowl in his talons, carried it up aloft.
180. 蛇和老鹰
一条蛇和一只老鹰在拼命决斗,互相挣扎着。 最后蛇得胜了,正要将那只老鹰缠死。 一个乡下人看见它们,跑上前来,解开了蛇的缠绕,让老鹰自由飞走。 蛇因为它的猎捕物逃走了,非常生气,便吐出它的毒涎滴进那乡下人盛水喝的碗里去。 这乡下?H不知道有危险,正想喝水,这时那老鹰用它的翅膀拍打他的手,又抓起那盛水喝的碗,将它带到半空中去了。
