

199. The Peacock And Juno

The Peacock made complaint to Juno tha
t, while the nightingale pleased every ear with his song, he no sooner opened his mouth than he became a laughing-stock to all who heard him. The Goddess, to console him said, "But you far excel in beauty and in size. The splendour of the emerald shines in your neck, and you unfold a tail gorgeous with painted plumage." "But for what purpose have I," said the bird, "this dumb beauty so long as I am surpassed in song?" "The lot of
each," replied Juno, "has been assigned by the will of the Fates�� to thee, beauty; to the eagle, strength; to the nightingale, song; to the raven, favourable, and to the crow, unfavourable auguries. These are all contented with the endo
wments allotted to them."
199. 孔雀和朱娜
孔雀对朱娜诉苦,说夜莺用它的甜美歌声,使得大家专注的聆?遄A而它一开口,便让听到它的声音的人当作笑柄。 这位天后安慰它说:「但是你在形貌和大小的方面是出类拔萃的。 绿宝石的光辉,照耀在你的头上,而且你还有华美的羽毛尾巴可以用来开屏。」 孔雀说:「但是我歌?灾霅悸渗妘挥漼銗L的优点掩盖了,这种哑口的美丽,对于我又有什么用处呢?」 朱娜回答说:「每一种东西的命运,已经由命运之神的意志所注定了;注定你是美丽的;老鹰拥有的是力量;夜莺拥有的是歌声;渡鸟的是吉兆;乌鸦的是凶征。 这些鸟类,对于赋与它们的才能,大家都很满意呢。」
