

139. The Dog And The Cook

A rich man gave a great feast, to which
he invited many friends and acquaintances. His dog availed himself of the occasion to invite a stranger dog, a friend of his, saying, "My master gives a feast; you will have unusually good cheer; come and sup with me tonight." The Dog thus invited went at the hour appointed, and seeing the preparations for so grand an entertainment, said, in the joy of his heart, "How glad I am that I came! I do not often get such a chance as this. I
will take care and eat enough to last me both today and tomorrow." While he thus congratulated himself, and wagged his tail, as if he would convey a sense of his pleasure to his friend, the Cook saw him moving about among his dishes,
and, seizing him by his fore and hind paws, bundled him without ceremony out of the window. He fell with force upon the ground, and limped away, howling dreadfully. His yelling soon attracted other street dogs, who ca
me up to him, and inquired how he had enjoyed his supper. He replied, "Why, to tell you the truth, I drank so much wine that I remember nothing. I do not know how I got out of the house."

Uninvited guests seldom meet a welcome.
139. 狗和厨子
一位富人举行一场大宴会,邀请了许多朋友和熟人前来赴宴。 他的狗利用这个机会,也去邀请一只狗来,向它这个朋友说道:「我的主人举行一场大宴会,你可以来大吃一顿,晚上请来和我一起享受吧。」 那只受邀的狗,到了约定的时间便来赴宴,一见预备着如此盛大的欢宴,便满心欢喜地说:「我能来真是高兴极了。 像这样的机会,我真是难得遇到的。 我要是能尽量的饱餐一顿,那么今天和明天就不用挨饿了。」 当它暗自庆幸的时候,便摇摇它的尾巴,好象要向它的朋友表示它满心的快乐,厨子看见狗往来于宴席间,便捉住它的前后脚,凶狠地把它摔到窗外。 它重重地跌到地上,跛着脚走开,忿恨地咆哮着。 它的号叫声,不久引来了街头其它的狗,向它走来询问它的晚餐享受得如何? 它回答说:「啊,老实告诉你吧,我酒喝得太多了,以致于什么也不记得了。 连我怎样走出这栋房子都不知道呢!」
