

163. The Wolves And The Sheep-Dogs

The Wolves thus addressed the Sh
eep- dogs: "Why should you, who are like us in so many things, not be entirely of one mind with us, and live with us as brothers should? We differ from you in one point only. We live in freedom, but you bow down to, an
d slave for, men; who, in return for your services, flog you with whips, and put collars on your necks. They make you also guard their sheep, and while they eat the mutton throw only the bones to you. If you will be pe
rsuaded by us, you will give us the sheep, and we will enjoy them in common, till we all are surfeited." The Dogs listened favourably to these proposals, and, entering the den of the Wolves, they were set upon and torn to pieces.
163. 狼和牧羊犬
狼对看守羊的狗说:「你和我们有很多地方相像,为什么不跟我们同心协力,友爱地住在一起呢? 我们和你只有一点地方不同。 我们在自由中生活,而你却屈服在人们的掌控之下,为他们工作。 他们用鞭子来抽打你,而且在你的脖子上套了项圈,用来报答你的服务。他们又指使你看守他们的羊群,而他们吃羊肉时,只给你啃骨头。 如果你愿意听我的劝告,将羊群给我们。那么大家共享所得,大家可以吃个痛快。」 那些狗很赞同这个有利的提议,便走进狼的洞中去,终于被狼扑杀,撕成碎片了。
