

214. The Wolf And The Goat

A Wolf saw a Goat feeding at the summi
t of a steep precipice, where he had not a chance of reaching her. He called to her and earnestlybesought her to come lower down, lest she should by some mishap get a fall; and he added that the meadows lay where he was standing, and
that the herbage was most tender. She replied, "No, my friend, it is not me that you invite to the pasture, but you yourself are in want of food."
214. 狼和山羊
一匹狼看见一只山羊,在一块陡峭的石壁顶上吃草,在那里它没办法走近山羊。 因此它喊叫着,诚恳地请求它走下来一点,否则万一不小心,它会跌得粉身碎骨的。最后它又加了几句话,说它自己所站的地方是草地,草很鲜嫩。 山羊回答说:「不,我的朋友,你不是邀请我去草地吃草,而是你自己正好没有东西可吃罢了。」
