

72. The Belly And The Members

The members of the Body rebelled aga
inst the Belly, and said, "Why should we be perpetually engaged in administering to your wants, while you do nothing but take your rest, and enjoy yourself in luxury and self-indulgence?" The members carried out their resolve, and refus
ed their assistance to the Belly. The whole Body quickly became debilitated, and the hands, feet, mouth, and eyes, when too late, repented of their folly.
72. 肚皮和肢体
身上的肢体,对着肚皮抗议说:「我们总是为了满足你的欲望而努力,而你为什么不做一点事情,只是安歇着,享受你的奢华和纵欲的生活?」 肢体于是决定了,拒绝帮助肚皮。 于是整个身体立刻衰弱了,那时手、脚、口、眼才开始后悔他们的愚蠢,但是已经来不及了。
