

183. The Hart And The Vine

A Hart, hard pressed in the chase, hid
himself beneath the large leaves of a Vine. The huntsmen, in their haste, overshot the place of his concealment; when the Hart, supposing all danger to have passed, began to nibble the tendrils of the Vine. One of t
he huntsmen, attracted by the rustling of the leaves, looked back, and, seeing the Hart, shot an arrow from his bow, and killed it. The Hart at the point of death, groaned out these words, "I am rightly served; for I ought not to have
maltreated the Vine that saved me."
183. 鹿和葡萄藤
一只鹿被猎人追逐得很急迫,因此躲进一株葡萄藤的大叶下。 猎人们在匆忙中,冲过它藏匿的地方;那时鹿以为所有危险都已过去了,就开始去吃葡萄藤的嫩须。 有一个猎人,听到叶子的沙沙声,回过头来一看,瞧见那只鹿,便射出一支箭,将它射死。 那只鹿在临死时这般呻吟着:「我真是活该啊!我实在不该那么粗暴对待救我性命的葡萄藤呀。」
