

243. The Ass And His Purchaser

A Man wished to purchase an Ass,
and agreed with its owner that he should try him before he bought him. He took the Ass home, and put him in the straw-yard with his other Asses, upon which he left all the others, and joined himself at once to the most idle and the gr
eatest eater of them all. The man put a halter on him, and led him back to his owner; and on his inquiring how, in so short a time, he could have made a trial of him, "I do not need, "he answered, "a trial; I know that he will be just
such another as the one whom of all the rest he chose for his companion."

A man is known by the company he keeps.
243. 驴子和它的买主
有一个人想买一只驴子,就与它的主人说定,在买去它以前,要试验它一下。 他就将驴子带到家里来,把它放到草地上,和其它的驴子做伴。没有多久它便撇开其余的驴子,立刻去和它们之中最好吃懒做的在一起了。 那人就把它套上了一副头络,牵回到它的主人那边。当主人问在这么短短一段时间中,如何能试验它,他就回答说:「我不必试了,我知道,它在所有的驴子中,找了那一只做为同伴,它就会和那一只有相同的习性了。」
