

37. The Cat And The Cock

A Cat caught a Cock, and took counsel wit
h himself how he might find a reasonable excuse for eating him. He accused him as being a nuisance to men, by crowing in the night time, and not permitting them to sleep. The Cock defended himself by saying, that he di
d this for the benefit of men, that they might rise betimes for their labours. The Cat replied, "Although you abound in specious apologies, I shall not remain supperless." and he made a meal of him.
37. 猫和公鸡
一只猫捉到一只公鸡,想找出一个吃它的合理借口。 它骂公鸡是人类讨厌的动物,为的是它夜里啼叫起来,使人不能安眠。 公鸡辩解说,它是为人类的利益而啼的,那样使他们可以及时起来工作。 猫回答说:「虽然你有许多似乎合理的辩解,但我总不能不吃晚餐。」于是它便把公鸡当晚餐了。
