

202. The Hawk And The Nightingale

A Nightingale sitting aloft up
on an oak, and singing according to his wont, was seen by a Hawk who, being in want of food, made a swoop down, and seized him. The Nightingale, about to lose his life, earnestlybesought the Hawk to let him go, saying that he was not
big enough to satisfy the hunger of a Hawk, who, if he wanted food, ought to pursue the larger birds. The Hawk, interrupting him, said: "I should indeed have lost my senses if I should let go food ready to my hand, for the sake of purs
uing birds which are not yet even within sight."
202. 老鹰和夜莺
一只夜莺,高高地栖息在一棵橡树上,照常地在歌唱,却被一只老鹰看见了,这只老鹰因为没有食物吃,突然俯冲下来,将它攫去。 夜莺知道它性命不保,急切地请求老鹰让它走,说它太小,不足以填老鹰的肚子,如果它想要食物,应该去追捕大一点的鸟儿。 老鹰阻止它说:「如果我去追捕看也看不到的鸟儿,反而让已经到手的食物逃走,那我真的就是一个笨蛋。」
