

232. The Crow And Mercury

A Crow caught in a snare prayed to Apo
llo to release him, making a vow to offer some frankincense at his shrine. Being rescued from his danger, he forgot his promise. Shortly afterwards, on being again caught in a second snare, passing by Apollo he made
the same promise to offer frankincense to Mercury, when he appeared, and said to him, "O thou most base fellow! how can I believe thee, who hastily disowned and wronged thy former patron?"
232. 乌鸦和财神
一只乌鸦,被捉进罗网里,祈祷爱波罗神若能释放它,便发誓要在他神座供香。 等它的危险一解除,却食言了。 不久,它又被捉到第二个罗网里了,它又以同样的话许愿,要供香而去求神,那时神出现了,向它说:「啊,你这下流家伙!你曾失信而有负你之前的恩人,要我怎样再相信你呢?」
