

106. The Wild Boar And The Fox

A wild Boar stood under a tree, and
rubbed his tusks against the trunk. A Fox passing by, asked him why he thus sharpened his teeth when there was no danger threatening from either huntsman or hound. He replied, "I do it advisedly; for it would never do
to have to sharpen my weapons just at the time when I ought to be using them."

To be well prepared for war is the best guarantee of peace.
106. 野猪和狐狸
一只野猪站在树下,用树干磨利它的牙齿。 一只狐狸走过,问它为什么要在没有猎人或猎狗来袭时,磨利它的獠牙呢? 它回答说:「我是仔细想过才这么做的;因为等到我要用到我的武器时,再临时去磨牙已经来不及了。」
