

288. The Eagle And The Kite

An Eagle, overwhelmed with sorrow, s
at upon the branches of a tree, in company with a Kite. "Why," said the Kite, "do I see you with such a rueful look?" "I seek," she replied, "for a mate suitable for me, and am not able to find one." "Take me," returned the Kite; "I am much stronger than you are." "Why, are you able to secure the means of living by your plunder?" "Well, I have often caught and carried away an ostrich in my talons." The Eagle, persuaded by these words, accepted him as her mate. Shortly after the nuptials, the Eagle said, "Fly off, and bring me back the ostrich you promised me." The Kite, soaring aloft into the air, brought b
ack the shabbiest possible mouse, and stinking from the length of time it had lain about the fields. "Is this," said the Eagle, "the faithful fulfillment of your promise to me?" The Kite replied, "That I might attain
to your royal hand, there is nothing that I would not have promised, however much I knew that I must fail in the performance."
288. 老鹰和鸢
一只鹰非常忧伤,坐在一棵树枝丫上,一只鸢陪伴着它,。 鸢说:「为什么你看起来是如此的悲伤?」 鹰回答说:「我在寻求适合我的伴侣,但是找寻不到,所以便如此的忧愁。」 鸢说:「选择我吧!我的力量比你还要厉害呢。」 鹰说:「你可以过掠夺的生活吗?」 鸢说:「我常常用脚爪捉到驼鸟并带走它。」 鹰听了很心动,便和它成为伴侣。 结婚没有多久,鹰便对鸢说:「请出去捉回你答应过的驼鸟给我。」 鸢便高飞到天空,没多久捉回一只腐烂许久的鼠,但因为暴露在田野多时,已经发臭了。」 鹰说:「这便是你答应我忠实的承诺吗?」 鸢说:「我为了要和尊贵的你结婚,所以没有一样事情不答应你,我早知道实行的时候一定会失败的。」
