

292. The Crow And The Serpent

A Crow, in great want of food, saw
a Serpent asleep in a sunny nook, and flying down, greedily seized him. The Serpent turning about, bit the Crow with a mortal wound; the Crow in the agony of death exclaimed, "O unhappy me! who have found in that which I deemed a happ
y windfall the source of my destruction."
292. 乌鸦和蛇
一只急需食物的乌鸦,看见一条蛇睡在一个充满阳光的角落里,于是它飞下来,贪食地把它攫住。 蛇一转身,咬了乌鸦一个致命的伤口,乌鸦在临死痛苦地喊道:「唉!不幸的我啊!我以为找到意外的猎物,没想到它却是我致死的缘由啊!」
