

23. The Farmer And The Snake

A Farmer found in the winter
time a Snake stiff and frozen with cold. He had compassion on it, and taking it up placed it in his bosom. The Snake on being thawed by the warmth quickly revived, when, resuming its natural instincts, he bit his benef
actor, inflicting on him a mortal wound. The Farmer said with his latest breath, "I am rightly served for pitying a scoundrel!"

The greatest benefits will not bind the ungrateful.
23. 农夫和蛇
一个农夫在冬季里,看见一条冻得僵硬的蛇,。 他可怜它,就将它拾起,放在自己的怀中。 那条蛇因受了热气的温暖,不久便苏醒过来,当它一恢复本性,就咬了他的恩人,给他一个致命的伤口。 那农夫临终时说:「我真可怜遇到忘恩负义之徒,活该受这样的惨报!」
