

234. The Wolf And The Lion

A Wolf, roaming by the mountain side,
saw his own shadow, as the sun was setting, become greatly extended and magnified, and he said to himself, "Why should I, being of such an immense size, and extending nearly an acre in length, be afraid of the Lion? Ought I not to be
acknowledged as King of all the collected beasts?" While he was indulging in these proud thoughts, a Lion fell upon him, and killed him. He exclaimed with a too late repentance, "Wretched me! this over-estimation of
myself is the cause of my destruction."
234. 狼和狮子
一只狼徘徊在山脚下,瞧见它自己的影子,那时太阳正下山,它的影子拉得特别长,它对自己说:「我既有这样巨大的身体,几乎长到一亩田的样子;我为什么要怕狮子? 难道我不该被称为所有的野兽之王吗?」 当它正沉溺于这些自大妄想中时,一只狮子向它扑来,将它杀死。 它的悔恨已来不及了,于是喊道:「我真不幸啊!这次的妄自尊大,便是我毁灭的原因啊!」
