

83. The Thief And His Mother

A Boy stole a lesson-book from one of
his school-fellows, and took it home to his mother. She not only abstained from beating him, but encouraged him. He next time stole a cloak and brought it to her, when she yet further commended him.
The Youth, advanced to man's estate, proceeded to steal things of greater value. At last he was taken in the very act and having his hands bound behind him, was led away to the place of public execution. His mother fol
lowed in the crowd and violently beat her breast in sorrow, whereon the young man said, "I wish to say something to my mother in her ear." She came close to him, when he quickly seized her ear with his teeth and bit it off. The mother upbraided him as an unnatural child, whereon he replied, "Ah! if you had beaten me, when I first stole and brought to you that lesson-book, I should not have come to this, nor have been thus led to a disgraceful death."

Spare the rod and spoil the child.
83. 贼和他的母亲
一个小孩在他的同学那里,偷来一本课本,带回去给他母亲看。 她非但没有打骂他,还加以奖励一番。 第二次他偷了一件披肩,又带回去给她,当时她更是称赞他。 因此这个年轻人长大成人后,进而偷更值钱的东西。 后来他在行窃的时候,被人逮到了,反绑双手,带到刑场上去。 他母亲在人群中跟着,伤心地捶胸痛哭。在这时候,那个年轻人就说:「我希望能在我母亲的耳边,对她说几句话。」 她走近到他的跟前,他很敏捷地用牙齿咬住她的耳朵,并且咬了下来。 他母亲骂他是不孝的儿子。这时他就回答说:「唉!在我第一次偷了那本课本回来给你的时候,如果你痛打我一顿,那么我也不会有这样的下场,也不会因此蒙羞而死了。」
