

47. The Lion, The Mouse, And The Fox

A Lion, fatigued by the heat
of a summer's day, fell fast asleep in his den. A Mouse ran over his mane and ears, and woke him from his slumbers. He rose up and shook himself in great wrath, and searched every corner of his den to find the Mouse. A Fox seeing him, said: "A fine Lion you are, to be frightened of a Mouse." "This not the Mouse I fear," said the Lion; "I resent his familiarity and ill-breeding."

Little liberties
are great offences.
47. 狮子、老鼠和狐狸
一头狮子受不了暑气,因此显得很疲倦,在洞中酣睡不起。 一只老鼠跑过它的鬃毛和耳朵,于是打扰了它的清梦。 狮子爬起来,非常生气,摇摆着它的身体,到处搜寻,想寻找老鼠的踪影。 一只狐狸看见了,便说:「你是一只雄纠纠的狮子,也给老鼠吓怕了。」 狮子说:「我并不是怕老鼠啊,我恨他的亲昵无礼呢。」
