

148. The Lion And The Hare

A Lion came across a Hare, who was fast
asleep on her form. He was just in the act of seizing her, when a fine young Hart trotted by, and he left the Hare to follow him. The Hare, scared by the noise, awoke, and scudded away. The Lion was
not able after a long chase to catch the Hart, and returned to feed upon the Hare. On finding that the Hare also had run off, he said, "I am rightly served, for having let go the food that I had in my hand for the chance of obtaining mo
148. 狮子和兔子
一只狮子走过一只兔子的面前,那兔子正在它的窝里睡觉。 狮子正要去捉它的时候,一只可爱的小牡鹿正从旁跑过,它就拋下兔子,去追赶牡鹿。 那时兔子被它的声音惊醒了,便飞奔逃离了。 狮子追了好久,仍旧捉不到牡鹿,便又折回来要吃兔子。 当它发现兔子也逃走了时,它说:「我为了找更多的机会,反而将已经到手的食物丢掉,真是活该。」
