

34. The Sick Lion

A Lion being unable from old age and inf
irmities to provide himself with food by force, resolved to do so by artifice. He betook himself to his den, and lying down there, pretended to be sick, taking care that his sickness should be publicly known. The beast
s expressed their sorrow, and came one by one to his den to visit him, when the Lion devoured them. After many of the beasts had thus disappeared, the Fox discovered the trick, and presenting himself to the Lion, stood on the outside of
the cave, at a respectful distance, and asked of him how he did; to whom he replied, "I am very middling, but why do you stand outside? Pray enter within to talk with me." The Fox replied, "No, thank you, I notice tha
t there are many prints of feet entering your cave, but I see no trace of any returning."

He is wise who is warned by the misfortunes of others.
34. 病狮
一只狮子因年老力衰而无法找到食物,决定用诡计去求得。 它来到它洞里躺了下来,假装生病,好让大家以为它生病了。 野兽们都表示十分同情,一个个都到它洞里来探望它,这时,狮子就一一吃掉它们。 于是许多前来的野兽都失踪了。狐狸看穿它的诡计,它自己便到狮子那里去,远远地站在洞外,询问病情。狮子回答它说:「我还好,但你为什么站在外面呢? 请进来和我聊聊呀。」 狐狸答道:「不,谢谢,我只看到有许多走进你洞里的脚印,却不见走回来的足迹。」
