

157. The Wasp And The Snake

A Wasp seated himself upon the head of
a Snake, and striking him unceasingly with his stings wounded him to death. The Snake, being in great torment, and not knowing how to rid himself of his enemy, or to scare him away, saw a wagon heavily laden with wood, and went and pur
posely placed his head under the wheels, and said, "I and my enemy shall thus perish together."
157. 黄蜂和蛇
一只黄蜂坐在一条蛇的头上,不停地用它的刺去螫它,几乎要了它的性命。 那条蛇处在极大的痛苦中,不知道怎样躲避它的敌人,把它吓走,它看见一辆货车,笨重地装着木材,就故意把头放到车辆底下说:「让我和我的敌人同归于尽吧。」
