

286. The Eagle And His Captor

An Eagle was once captured by a ma
n, who at once clipped his wings, and put him into his poultry yard with the other birds; at which treatment the Eagle was weighed down with grief. Another neighbour having purchased him, suffered his feathers to grow again. The Eagle took flight, and pouncing upon a hare brought it at once as an offering to his benefactor. A Fox, seeing this, exclaimed, "Do not propitiate the favour of this man, but of your former owner, lest he should again hunt f
or you, and deprive you a second time of your wings."
286. 老鹰和它的掳获者
有一次有一个人捉住了一只老鹰,立刻把它的翅膀折下,将它放到家禽场里,和别的鸟关在一起。老鹰对这个突如其来的待遇非常悲伤。 没多久另外一个邻居把它买去了之后,任由他的羽毛再行生长。 老鹰就飞走,并且捉了一只兔子立刻献给恩人。 这时一只狐狸看见了,便喊道:「先别报答这人的善心的恩惠。要提防之前的那个主人,否则当他再捉住你,又会再一次剪去你的翅膀呢!」
