

219. The Wolf, The Fox, And The Ape

A Wolf accused a Fox theft,
but he entirely denied the charge. An Ape undertook to adjudge the matter between them. When each had fully stated his case, the Ape pronounced this sentence: "I do not think you, Wolf, ever lost what you claim; and
I do believe you, Fox, to have stolen what you so stoutly deny."

The dishonest, if they act honestly, get no credit.
219. 狼、狐狸和猿猴
一只狼说一只狐狸偷了它的东西,但是狐狸完全不愿承认,。 一只猿猴来调解它们的纠纷。 当它们两方面全数陈述了案情之后,猿猴判决说:「狼,我不认为你曾失去你所要求的失物;狐狸,我相信你已偷过你坚持不承认偷过的东西。」
