

134. The Two Frogs

Two Frogs dwelt in the same pool. The pool being dried up under the summer's heat, they left it, and set out together for another home. As they went along they chanced to pass a deep well, amply supplied with water, on seeing which one of the Frogs said to the other,
"Let us descend and make our abode in this well, it will furnish us with shelter and food." The other replied with greater caution. "But suppose the water should fail us, how can we get out again from so great a depth

Do nothing without a regard to the consequences.
134. 两只蛙
两只蛙同住在一个水池里。 水池被夏天的骄阳晒干了,它们于是离开那里,一起动身去找另外的居处。 它们沿路走的时候,偶然经过一口充满着水的深井,有一只蛙见了它,就对另一只蛙说:「让我们跳下去,住到这口井里去吧。它可以供给我们住所和食物呢。」 另一只蛙小心地回答说:。 「但是如果这水不够供给我们,我们在这样深的地方,怎样能够再出来呢?」 做事情必须考虑到后果。
