

238. The Owl And The Birds

An Owl, in her wisdom, counselled the
Birds, when the acorn first began to sprout, to pull it up by all means out of the ground, and not to allow it to grow, because it would produce the mistletoe, from which an irremediable poison, the bird lime, would be extracted, by which they would be
captured. The Owl next advised them to pluck up the seed of the flax, which men had sown, as it was a plant which boded no good to them. And, lastly, the Owl, seeing an archer approach, predicted that this man, being on foot
, would contrive darts armed with feathers, which should fly faster than the wings of the Birds themselves. The Birds gave no credence to these warning words, but considered the Owl to be beside herself, and said that she was mad. But afterwards, finding her words were true, they wondered at her knowledge, and deemed her to be the wisest of birds. Hence it is that when she appears they resort to her as knowing all things; while she no longer gives t
hem advice, but in solitude laments their past folly.
238. 猫头鹰和鸟
一只猫头鹰用它的智能劝告鸟儿们,在橡树果实才萌芽初期,就要用各种方法将它拔除,不让它长大,因为它会滋生寄生树胶的,那种无药可救的捉鸟胶毒汁,便是从这种寄生树胶里提炼出来的;而它们会被捉鸟胶抓去。 猫头鹰后来又告诉它们,拔出那些人们种下去的芝麻籽,因为那是一种对于它们不利的植物。 最后,猫头鹰看见一个射手走近来,就预言说;这个行走的人,正想办法要做用鸟羽饰尾的箭,这种箭比鸟的翅膀还飞得快些。 鸟儿们不听它的警告,只当猫头鹰胡言乱语,还说它发疯了。 然而后来它们发觉它的话真的应验了,才佩服它的见识,肯定它是鸟儿当中最聪明的。 因此每当它出现时,它们都向它求助,好象它知道所有的事;可是它却不再给它们忠告了,只是孤单地悲伤哭泣着它们过去的愚笨。
