

280. The Partridge And The Fowler

A Fowler caught a Partridge,
and was about to kill it. The Partridge earnestlybesought him to spare his life, saying, "Pray, master, permit me to live, and I will entice many Partridges to you in recompense for your mercy to me." The Fowler rep
lied, "I shall now with the less scruple take your life, because you are willing to save it at the cost of betraying your friends and relations."
280. 鹧鸪和捉鸟的人
一位捉鸟的人捉到一只鹧鸪,正要把它杀死。 鹧鸪急切地向他讨饶说:「请求你,先生,放我一条生路吧,我可以引诱许多鹧鸪到你这里来,以报答你对我的慈悲。」 捉鸟的人回答说:「我现在决意要取你的生命了;因为你竟企图出卖你的亲戚朋友来做代价,以便拯救你的性命。」
