

237. The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner

A Trumpeter, bravely leading on
the soldiers, was captured by the enemy. He cried out to his captors, "Pray spare me, and do not take my life without cause or without inquiry. I have not slain a single man of your troop. I have
no arms, and carry nothing but this one brass trumpet." "That is the very reason for which you should be put to death," they said; "for, while you do not fight yourself, your trumpet stirs up all the others to battle."
237. 被俘虏的喇叭手
一位喇叭手,勇敢地带着军队前进时,却被敌人所俘虏。 他向捉他的人叫道:「请饶了我吧,不要无端地,或是没有理由就要我的命啊。 我没有杀死过你们军队里的任何一个人。 我又没有兵器,只带这一支铜喇叭呀!」 他们回答说:「这就是我们要杀你的原因啊!因为,你自己虽然不打仗,可是你用喇叭来激励其余的人来攻打我们呢。」
