

Alas! the poor lark had good reason for sorrow; he had been caught, and put into a cage close
by the open window. He sang of the joys of a free and unrestrained flight; he sang of the young green corn in the fields, and of the pleasure of being borne up by his wings in the open air. The poor bird was certain
ly very unhappy; he sat a prisoner in his narrow cage!
The little daisy would so willingly have helped him, but how could she? Ah, that she knew not; she quite forgot how beautiful all around her
was, how warmly the sun shone, how pretty and white her leaves were. Alas! She could only think of the imprisoned bird-for whom it was not in her power to do anything.
All at once two little boys
came out of the garden; one of them had a knife in his hand, as large and as sharp as that with which the girl had cut the tulips. They went up straight to the little daisy, who could not imagine what they wanted.

"Here we can cut a nice piece of turf for the lark," said one of the boys; and he began to cut deep all round the daisy, leaving her in the centre.
"Tear out the flower," said the other boy; and t
he little daisy trembled all over for fear; for she knew that if she were torn out she would die, and she wished so much to live, as she was to be put into the cage with the imprisoned lark.
"No, leave it alone!" sa
id the first, "it looks so pretty;" and so it was left alone, and was put into the lark's cage.

唉!可怜的云雀有充分的理由伤心的,它被捉住了,关在窗户旁的鸟笼里。 它歌颂自由自在的喜悦以及逍遥不拘的翱翔;它吟唱田野中稚嫩的绿色玉米田,还有能在野外靠自己的羽翼搬运玉米的乐趣。 可怜的鸟儿,它一定非常忧郁,像犯人一样处在狭隘的笼子里。
小雏菊真想帮助它,可是她又如何能办得到呢? 唉!她不晓得,她完全忘记周遭事物的美好,也忘记阳光是多么的温煦,还有她的花瓣多么洁白亮丽。 天啊!她所能想象到的全都是那只被关的云雀──而她却帮不上一点的忙。
突然在这时候,有两个小男孩从花园走了出来,其中一个手上还拿着一把镰刀,就像先前那个把郁金香剪下来的女孩手上拿的刀一样大而锐利。 他们一直朝着小雏菊那儿走去,她无法想象他们想要做什么?
