

"Ivede-Avede," cried some. "Humpty-Dumpty," cried others, and there was a
fine shouting and crying out. But the fir-tree remained quite still, and thought to himself, "Shall I have anything to do with all this?" but he had already amused them as much as they wished. Then the old man told t
hem the story of Humpty Dumpty, how he fell downstairs, and was raised up again, and married a princess. And the children clapped their hands and cried, "Tell another, tell another," for they wanted to hear the story of Ivede-Avede; bu
t they only had Humpty-Dumpty. After this the fir-tree became quite silent and thoughtful; never had the birds in the forest told such tales as Humpty Dumpty, who fell downstairs, and yet married a princess.

"Ah! yes, so it happens in the world," thought the fir-tree; he believed it all because it was related by such a nice man. "Ah! Well," he thought, "who knows'! perhaps I may fall down too, and marry a princess;" and he look
ed forward joyfully to the next evening, expecting to be again decked out with lights and playthings, gold and fruit. "Tomorrow I will not tremble," thought he; "I will enjoy all my splendour, and I shall hear the story of Humpty Dumpt
y again, and perhaps Ivede-Avede." And the tree remained quiet and thoughtful all night. In the morning the servants and the housemaid came in. "Now," thought the fir, "all my splendour is going to
begin again." But they dragged him out of the room and upstairs to the garret, and threw him on the floor in a dark corner, where no daylight shone, and there they left him.

「依凡.爱芬提!」某些人喊道。 「哈普第.达提!」另有些人叫道,随后发出嘻闹的声音。 但是枞树仍然一动也不动,并且想着:「这种喧闹仿佛是与我无关!」可是枞树已经让孩子尽情地耍弄了。 接着老人告诉他们哈普第?达提的故事,他跌到楼下,又站起来,终于和公主结婚。 孩子们听了拍手大叫:「说另外一个故事!说另外一个!」因为他们想听依凡.爱芬提的故事,却只听到哈普第.达提的故事。 这以后枞树变得非常安静,而且很有思想。它从来不曾听过森林中的鸟儿们说像哈普第.达提这样的故事,他跌下楼,却和公主结婚。
「哎!是的,世界上有那样的事,」枞树思考着,它相信那个故事,完全是因为这故事是出自一个这么好的人口中说出来的。 「哟!真好!」它想着:「谁知道?也许我也可能倒下去,然后娶一个公主吧!」它希望人家再用灯光、玩具、黄金及水果点缀着,因而兴奋地期待明晚的到来。 「明天我不会抖动,」它想着:「我会享受我所有的美丽,而且我将再听哈普第?达提的故事,或许也会听依凡.爱芬提的故事。」 整晚枞树始终沉默思考着。 清晨,男女佣人走进来。 「此时,」枞树想着:「我的所有打扮又重新开始了。」 然而他们把它拖出屋外,接着拖上阁楼,随意放在暗无天日的一个屋角,他们就这样扔下它不管。
