

"No, thank you!" said the swineherd; "ten kisses from the Princess, please, or I shall keep th
e pipkin!"
"How very tiresome, to be sure!" said the Princess. "Well, then, stand all of you in front of me, so that nobody can see!"
So all the Court ladies ma
de a circle round them, spreading out their dresses; and the swineherd got the ten kisses, and the Princess the pipkin.
And now indeed they had a merry time of it. All that evening, and the whole of
the next day, the pipkin was kept a-boiling. There was not a hearth in the town but they knew what was being cooked there, whether it was the Lord Chamberlain's or the cobbler's. The Court ladies danced and clapped t
heir hands.
"We know who is going to have soup and pancakes for dinner, and who is going to have chops and hasty-pudding. How interesting that is!"
"Most highly
interesting!" said the Lady Stewardess of the Household.
"Yes; but hold your tongues about it, for I am the Emperor's daughter!"
"Of course, of course!" said they all.

「这真是一件令人不耐烦的事情!」公主说。 「不过至少你们得站在我的四周围,以免被别人看见了。」
现在一切真是充满欢乐。 这口锅子日夜不停地煮东西。 她们现在清楚地知道城里每一个厨房里所煮的东西,包括从鞋匠一直到家臣们的厨房里所煮的东西。 宫女们都跳起舞并拍起手来。
「我们现在完全知道谁家晚餐是喝汤和吃煎饼,谁家在吃稀饭和布丁啦! 这太有趣了!」
