

But, having made up his mind to go to the fair, he determined to do so, if only to have a look at it
; so on he went to the town with his cow. Leading the animal, he strode on sturdily, and after a short time, overtook a man who was driving a sheep. It was a good fat sheep, with a fine fleece on its back.
"I should like to have that fellow," said the peasant to himself. "There is plenty of grass for him by our palings, and in the winter we could keep him in the room with us. Perhaps it wou
ld be more profitable to have a sheep than a cow. Shall I exchange? "
The man with the sheep was quite ready, and the bargain was quickly made. And then our peasant went on his
way with the sheep. Soon after this he overtook another man, who had come into the road from a field, and was carrying a large goose under his arm.
"What a heavy creature you have there!" said the
peasant; "it has plenty of feathers and plenty of fat, and would look well tied to a string, or paddling in the water at our place. That would be very useful to my old woman; she could make all sorts of profit out of it. How often she has said, 'If only we had a goose!' Now here is an opportunity, and, if possible, I will get it for her. Shall we exchange? I will give you my sheep for your goose, and thanks int
o the bargain."
The other had not the least objection, and accordingly the exchange was made, and our peasant became possessor of the goose.

但是他打算去市集逛逛,只是去瞧个热闹,因此他决定那么做。于是他牵着牛继续走到市集。 他牵着畜生,精神焕发地昂首阔步地走。不久他追上一个赶羊的人。 那是一个优良品种的肥羊,背上长着美丽的羊毛。
「我希望得到那只家伙,」农夫自言自语的说。 「我们栅栏附近有许多可以喂它吃的草。到了冬天我们让它跟我们一起住在茅屋里。 或许拥有羊会比拥有牛更有用吧! 愿意和我交换吗?」
羊的主人欣然答应,交易因此顺利完成了。 然后我们的农夫带着羊继续走他的路。 很快地他又追上另一个人,这个人是由田野走上这条小径的,而且他的双手环抱着一只大肥鹅。
「看你抱得好重啊!」农夫说:「它的羽毛相当的丰满,脂肪也很肥厚,用绳子系牢,在家中的池塘游泳也很好看。 这对我的老婆会很有用吧!她可以充分利用牠。 她经常说:『只要我们有只鹅!』 这是个好机会,假如可以的话,我来换只鹅给她吧! 我们可以交换吗? 我用羊来换你的鹅,我将非常感谢你!」
