

After this, the tree tried not to tremble at all, though the fire frightened him; he was so anxious
not to hurt any of the beautiful ornaments, even while their brilliance dazzled him. And now the folding doors were thrown open, and a troop of children rushed in as if they intended to upset the tree; they were followed more slowly by
their elders. For a moment the little ones stood silent with astonishment, and then they shouted for joy till the room rang, and they danced merrily round the tree, while one present after another was taken from.

"What are they doing'! What will happen next'?" thought the fir. At last the candles burnt down to the branches and were put out. Then the children received permission to plunder
the tree.
Oh, how they rushed upon it, till the branches cracked, and had it not been fastened with the glistening star to the ceiling, it must have been thrown down. The children then danced abou
t with their pretty toys, and no one noticed the tree, except the children's maid, who came and peeped among the branches to see if an apple or a fig had been forgotten.
"A story, a story," cried the children, pulli
ng a little fat man towards the tree.
"Now we shall be in the green shade," said the man, as he seated himself under it, "and the tree will have the pleasure of hearing also, but I shall only relate one story; what
shall it be? Ivede-Avede, or Humpty Dumpty, who fell downstairs, but soon got up again, and at last married a princess."

经过这件事情之后,即使火焰恐吓着它,枞树仍极力忍着不动。它非常担心会烧毁任何美丽的装饰品,所以它们灿烂得使它炫目的时候,它依然文风不动。 不久,关着的门被打开了,一群小孩冲进来,仿佛要把枞树推倒似的。他们后面跟着一群较年长且动作较温和的小孩。 那群较年幼的小孩们带着惊喜的心情不发一语地站了一会儿。然后他们发出欢呼声,响彻整个房间,他们也愉快地围着树跳舞,同时枞树上一个接一个地取下礼物。
「他们正在做什么? 以后又会发生什么事呢?」枞树想着。 最后蜡烛烧到树枝来,并且熄灭了。 然后孩子们获得允许抢夺那棵树。
啊!他们撞到了它了!结果树枝吱吱地叫,如果不是那颗星星系在天花板上的话,恐怕它早被他们撞倒了吧! 接着孩子们拿着自己漂亮玩具跳来跳去。除了孩子们的女仆,没有人注意这棵树,她来瞧枝丫间有没有被遗忘的苹果或无花果。
「现在我们在树荫底下了,」那人坐在树下时说:「这树也会喜欢听吧!不过我只说一个故事。但要说那一个故事呢? 依凡?爱芬提或哈普第.达提,当他由楼上跌下来,却马上站起来,终于和公主结婚了。」
