

It looked like a subterranean chapel, with mute organ-pipes and petrified organ.

"Surely we are going through the path of Death to the Garden of Paradise," said the Prince. But the East Wind answered not a syllable, and pointed to where the loveliest blue light was beaming to meet them. The rocks above them became more and more like mists, and at last were as clear and bright as a white cloud in the moonlight. They now breathed the softest air-fresh as among the mountains, fragrant as among the roses of the
Here flowed a river, as clear as the atmosphere itself. Gold and silver fish swam in it; purple eels which emitted blue sparks at every motion, were playing beneath the surface; and the br
oad leaves of the water-lily shone with all the colours of the rainbow. The flower itself was like a glowing orange-coloured flame, receiving sustenance from the water, as a lamp from oil. A bridge of marble, shining
like glassy pearl, cunningly and delicately carved, led over the water to the Island of Bliss, where bloomed the Garden of Paradise.
The East Wind took the Prince in his arms and bore him over. T
he flowers and leaves sang the sweetest songs about his childhood, in soft, wavy tones, such as no human voice could imitate.


「我们现在一定是在通往天国乐园的死亡之路上。」王子说。 但是东风并没回答任何一个字,只是手指着正向他们闪闪发光的绚烂蓝光。 在他们上方的岩石愈来愈模糊不清,后来又像月光下清楚而明朗的白云。 他们现在呼吸到最温和的空气──清新得就如同身在山中一般,而且香得就像在玫瑰山谷中。
有一条潺潺的河水,有如空气一般地清新。 金色和银色的鱼在河流里悠游着,紫色的鳗鱼在水里嬉戏,它每移动一下,就会散发出蓝色的光芒。还有宽叶的莲花散发出彩虹般的色彩。 这花儿本身的颜色像热情的橘色火焰,从水中获取养分,如同灯火吸吮着灯油一般。 一座大理石桥,横跨通往幸福岛的水面上,这座桥像玻璃似的珍珠闪耀动人,而且是精雕细琢,而就在幸福岛上有繁荣的天国乐园。
东风将王子紧紧抱在怀中,走过桥去。 花儿和叶子们都唱着有关童年往事的甜美歌曲,唱得非常轻柔,曲调抑扬顿挫,如此动人的歌声不是人类的声音所能仿效的。
