

She took her large gold scissors, snipped a large piece of silk into small bits and sewed them into
a pretty little bag; this she tilled with small fine grains of buckwheat, fastened it to the Princess's back, and when this was done, she cut a little hole in the bag so that the grains might dribble through along the whole way the Princess went.

At night the dog came again, took the Princess on his back, and ran with her to the soldier, who had grown so fond of her that he longed to be a Prince that he might have her as his wife.
The dog did not notice how the grains were dribbling all the way from the Palace to the soldier's dwelling, as he ran right up the wall with the Princess; so in the morning the King and Queen saw at once where their daughter had been; and they had the
soldier seized and put him into prison.
There he sat. Ugh! how dark and horrid it was, and they said to him, "Tomorrow you shall be hanged!"
This was not a
pleasant thing to hear, especially as he had forgotten his tinder box and left it at the inn. In the morning he could see through the iron bars of the little window all the people hastening out of the town to see him hanged. He heard the drums beating and saw the soldiers marching. Everyone was running that way as fast as they could. Among them was a cobbler's lad with his leather apron and slippers; he was running at such a rate
that one of his slippers flew off right against the wall where the soldier was peeping between the iron bars.

他被关起来了。 哎!牢里可真是又暗又可怕。人们对他说:「明天你就要上绞刑台了。」
这句话听起来可真是不好玩,而且他把火绒盒也忘在旅馆里。 第二天早晨,他从小窗的铁栏杆里瞧见许多人涌出城来看他上绞刑台。 他听到鼓声,看到士兵们齐步走。 每一个人都在向外跑。 在这些人当中,有一个鞋匠的学徒,他还穿著皮围裙和一双拖鞋。他跑得那么快,连他的一双拖鞋也飞走了,撞上一堵墙。那个士兵就坐在那儿,在铁栏杆后面朝外看。
