

The Tinder Box
ATXul0 cf0 A soldier came ma
rching along the high road. Left, right! left, right! He had his knapsack on his back and a sword by his side, for he had been to the wars and was now returning home.
Then he me
t an old witch on the highway; she was ugly and her underlip hung down to her chin.
"Good evening, soldier," said she; "what a fine sword you have, and a big knapsack, too; you are a proper sort of soldier! You shall have as much money as you like." "Thank you old witch!" said the soldier.
"You see that large tree?" said the witch, pointing to a tree which stood clo
se beside them. "It is quite hollow inside. You must climb to the top, and then you will see a hole through which you can let yourself right down into the tree. I will fasten a rope round your body
so that I may draw you up again when you call out."
"But what am I to do down in the tree?" asked the soldier.
"Get money!" said the witch. "When you get to
the bottom of the tree you will see a large passage; it is quite light, for hundreds and hundreds of lamps burn there. Presently you will come to three doors; you can open them all, for the keys are in them. When yo
u enter the first chamber, you will see in the middle of the floor a large chest, on top of which sits a dog with eyes as large as teacups.

有一个士兵在公路上行军。 左,右!左,右! 背着一个行军背包,腰间挂着一把军刀。他已经参加过好几次战役,现在正准备回家。
「晚安,士兵!」她说:「你的军刀真好,你的行军背包真大,你是一个真正的士兵! 现在,你喜欢有多少钱就可以有多少钱。」 「谢谢你,老巫婆!」士兵说。
「你看见那棵大树吗?」巫婆说着,并指着他们身旁的一棵树。 「那里面是空心的。 如果你爬到它的顶上去,就可以看到一个洞口,而从那儿往下一滑,就可以深深地钻进树身里去。 我在你腰上绑上一根绳子,如此一来,你喊我的时候,我就会把你拉上来。」
「拿钱呀!」巫婆回答说。 「当你一钻进树底下去,就会看到一条宽大的走道。那里很亮,因为那里点着一百多盏灯火。 你会看到有三个门,每一扇都可以打开,因为钥匙就在锁孔里。 当你走进第一个房间,将可以看到中间有一口大箱子,上面坐着一只狗,它的眼睛大得像一对茶杯。
