

The Little SwineherdATXul0
cf0 There was onc
e a poor Prince: he had a kingdom, but it was a very little one; still it was large enough to marry upon, and to marry he was determined.
Now, it was rather bold of him to make up to the Emperor's daughter and say to
her right out, "Will you have me?" Yet he did so, for his name was known far and wide, and there were hundreds of princesses who would have been very glad to say "Yes," if they had been asked. But did the Emperor's da
ughter do so? Well now, you shall hear.
On the grave of the Prince's father grew a rose-tree a very lovely rose-tree! It only bloomed once in every five years, and then it only b
ore a single rose, but that was so sweet that by merely smelling it you forgot all your cares and sorrows. The Prince had also a nightingale which could sing as though all the lovely songs in the world were in its little throat.
The Princess was to have both the rose and the nightingale, and that is how it came about that they were both put into silver cases and sent to her.
The Emperor had them borne before him into the large roo
m where the Princess used to walk and play at "visitors" with her ladies-in-waiting; and when she saw the cases, with the presents in them, she clapped her hands for joy.
"Only fancy if it were a little pussy-cat!"
said she. But it turned out to be a rose-tree with a single beautiful rose.

paperw5175 margr0margl0ATXph0 plain fs20 sl345 f1 fs24 养猪人。
现在,他鼓起勇气对国王的女儿说出:「你愿意嫁给我吗?」 他这样的开口,是因为他的名字远近皆知,有成千上百的公主都会高兴地说:「愿意。」 但是这位公主会不会也这样说呢? 我们现在就请你来听听吧!
王子父亲的坟墓上开着一朵玫瑰,一朵很美丽的玫瑰。 它五年才开一次花,而且每次只开一朵,但这是一朵多么美丽的玫瑰花啊!它散发出那么芬芳的香气,任何人只要闻一下,就会忘掉所有的忧愁和烦恼。 王子还有一只夜莺,它用小小的喉咙唱出世界上最美妙的歌曲。 王子觉得这朵玫瑰花和这只夜莺应该送给那位公主,所以便将这两件东西放在两个银制的盒子里送给了她。
「我希望那里面是一只小猫咪!」公主说。 可是盒子里却是一朵美丽的玫瑰花。
