

Thus it fared with him the first day, and after that things grew worse and worse. The wretched duckling was pushed about by them all. His own brothers and sisters kept saying: "If only the cat would take you, you hideous object!" while even his own mother said, "Would that you were far, far away!" The ducks bit him, the hens pecked him, and the girl who gave the animals their food kicked him.
Then he ran away and flew right over the hedge; the little birds in the bushes were scared and flew into the air. "That is because I am so ugly," said the duckling and closed his eyes. So he ran on till he came to a large fen where the wild ducks dwelt, and there he lay the whole night, weary and sorrowful.
In the morning the wild ducks flew up into the air and saw their new comrade. "What kind of a thing are you?" they asked, and the duckling turned in every direction and greeted them as well as it could.

"You are intensely ugly!" said the wild ducks; "but it is all the same to us if only you do not marry into the family!"
Poor creature! As if he had any idea of marrying! It was enough for him if he might be allowed to lie among the rushes and drink a little fen water.
There he lay for two whole days, and then there came two wild geese, or rather wild ganders; it was not very long ago
since they had come out of the egg-shells, and that was why they were so pert.

这是第一天的情形,后来的情况一天比一天还要糟。 大家都要赶走这只可怜的小鸭。 甚至他的兄弟姊妹也嫌弃的说:「你这个丑八怪,希望猫儿把你抓去才好!」最后连妈妈也说了:「真希望你离我们远远的!」 鸭儿们啄他、小鸡打他,连那个喂鸡鸭的女佣也用脚来踢他。
于是他飞过篱笆逃走了,灌木林里的小鸟一见到他,就惊慌地向空中飞走。 「这是因为我长得太丑了!」小鸭想。于是他闭上眼睛。 继续往前跑。他一口气跑到一块住着野鸭的沼泽地,由于太疲倦、太悲伤了,便在这儿躺了一整夜。
早上野鸭都飞起来了,他们对这位新来的朋友看一眼。 「你是谁呀?」他们问。小鸭东张西望的对大家必恭必敬地行礼。
可怜的弃儿! 他根本没有想到结婚。 他只希望大家让他躺在芦苇里,喝点沼泽的水就够了。
