

And so they came into the duck-yard. There was a frightful" target="_blank" title="a.可怕的;不愉快的">frightful noise there, for
two families were fighting over an eel's head, and the cat bog it after all.
"Look, that is the way of the world!" said the duck-mother, and licked her beak, for she would have liked the eel's head herself. "Use your legs," said she, "look smart and nod your necks at that old duck yonder, for she is the most distinguished person here; she is of Spanish descent; and don't you see she has a red rag tied to her leg! That is the greates
t distinction any duck can have; it is as much as to say they don't want to get rid of her, and men and beasts are to take note thereof. Quack! quack! Don't turn your feet in! A well-brought-up duckling keeps his feet
wide apart like father and mother! Look! so! And now thrust out your neck and say 'Quack!'"
They did so; but all the other ducks round about looked at them and said quite loudly, "Just look! Now we shall have all that mob too! As if there were not enough of us here already! And oh, fie! what a fright that duckling looks! We won't put up with him anyhow!" And
immediately a duck flew at the big fledgling and bit him in the neck.
"Leave him alone, will you!" said the mother; "he's doing no harm."
"Yes, but he is too big and queer!" said
the duck who had bitten him, "and so he must be snubbed!"

就这样他们到养鸭场来了。 那里起了一阵可怕的喧闹声,因为有两个家族正在争夺一个鳝鱼头,结果猫儿硬把它抢走了。
「你们看,世界就是这个样子!」鸭妈妈说着,嘴边流了一点口水,因为她也想吃那个鳝鱼头。 「现在运用你们的腿吧!」她说:「拿出精神来,如果你们看到那儿的一只老母鸭,就必须把头低下来,因为她是这儿最德高望重的人物。她有西班牙的血统,因为她长得非常胖。你们看,她的腿上系有一块红布条。 这是一件意义重大的象征,也是一只鸭子可以得到的最大光荣,表示人类不愿意失去她,动物和人统统都得认识她。 打起精神,不要把腿缩进去。 一只有很好教养的鸭子总把腿摆开的,就像爸爸和妈妈一样。 好吧!低下头来叫『呱呱』呀!」
他们照做了。其它的鸭子站在旁边看着,并大声的说:「瞧! 现在又来了一批找东西吃的客人。 好象嫌我们人数还不够多似的! 唷!瞧那只小鸭的一副丑样子! 真是看不惯!」 于是马上有一只鸭子飞过去,在他的颈上啄了一下。
「对!不过他长得太大、太特别了,」啄过他的那只鸭子说:「因此他必须受处罚!」 t0
