

His bright colors had all faded, but whether in consequence of his journey or of his heartache nobod
y could say. He looked at the little maid and she looked at him, and he felt in quite a melting mood, but still he stood steadfast and shouldered arms.
Then a door opened, the draught caught the d
ancing girl, and she fluttered like a sylph right into the stove to the tin soldier, flashed into a flame, and was gone. The tin soldier at the same time melted into a mere lump of metal, and when the serving-maid next day raked the as
hes out of the grate she found him in the shape of a little tin heart Of the dancing girl, all that remained was the spangle, and that was as black as a cinder.

他所有的光彩现在都消失了。这是因为他在旅途中失去了呢?还是悲愁的结果?谁也说不出来。 他看着那位娇小的姑娘,而她也看着他。他觉得身体在慢慢地熔化,但是他仍然荷着枪,坚定地立着不动。
这时门忽然开了,一阵风窜进来,吹起这位小姐。她就像飞舞的苗条少女一样,飞向火炉,飞到锡兵的身边去,化为火焰,立刻就不见了。 这时锡兵已经熔成一个锡块。第二天,当女佣把炉灰倒出去的时候,她发现锡兵已经成了一颗小小的锡心。可是那位舞蹈家留下来的只是那颗闪闪发亮的装饰品,而她现在已经被烧成一块黑炭了。
